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Carbon County Higher Education Center

This page outlines your Lumens training plan. Please note that we will generally follow this schedule but may re-order the topics based on your needs. In addition, links to these recordings may become inactive one year after your implementation. If you would like to keep them past that point, we recommend downloading them.
Training Documents & Resources:
Workbook: iPro - Level 1
Workbook: iPro - Level 2
Workbook: Website Configuration Workbook
Workbook: Merchandise
Workbook: iPro - Level 3
Workbook: Certificate Essentials
Workbook: Instructor Management
Workbook: iPRO Power User Workbook
Workbook: 3rd Party Pay & Accounts Receivable
Workbook: Contract Training Essentials


Scheduled Training Sessions:

Session 1 (1/12/2023) - Template Management & Website Configuration
Click Here to Watch Now
MaterialsWebsite Configuration WorkbookiPro - Level 2
  • System Options: Template Management, Site Configuration
  • Webpage Template: Guest, Learner, Instructor, Staff Welcome Pages
  • Email Templates: Powerusers Only - Profile Notice, Registration Confirmations, Custom Confirmations
  • Custom Email and Webpage Templates: Confirmations, Reminders, eg. Training Page
  • Style Sheets: Main Layout Options, CSS and Style Sheets
  • Style Configuration: Colors and Fonts
  • Graphics: Banner Options; Primary, Background, and Other Graphics
  • Menus: Public Menu Structures, All Menus
  • Footers: Pre-Footer, Footer, and Branding Footer
  • Controls: User Controls, Learner Controls, Search Controls
  • Social Media: Social Media Additions
Session 2 (1/26/2023) - Site Categorization & Class Management
Click Here to Watch Now
MaterialsiPro - Level 1iPro - Level 2
  • Categories/Subcategories: Alt Subcategories, 
  • Courses: Course ID, Delivery Type, Schedule Type, Discounts, Clone
  • Classes: Schedules Types, Confirmations, Reminders, Class Unlock Keys
  • Course Series: Single/ Multi class groups, Class Listing - with series
  • Go/No Go: Introduction
Session 3 (2/9/2023) - Registration, Accounts Receivable, & Instructor Management
Click Here to Watch Now
MaterialsiPro - Level 1iPro - Level 23rd Party Pay & Accounts ReceivableInstructor Management
  • Student Registration: Classes, Series, Merchandise, Waiting Lists, Shopping Cart - Payment Method, Discounts, Donations, Gift Cards, Scholarships, Request Scholarship Request to pay for Class, Request Company to Pay for Class, 
  • Staff Assisted Registrations: Late Registrations, Payment Methods, Promotions,  Over/Under Payments, Split Payments,
  • A/R: Activity, Payment, Charges, Invoices, Document Archives, Edit Account, Credit Memo, Templates
  • Instructors: Email and Confirmations, E-mail to Instructors, Instructor Portal
  • Instructor Contracts: Default Templates, Create and Print Contracts
Session 4 (2/23/2023) - Merchandise
Click Here to Watch Now
Recorded Merchandise Training
  • Merchendise Overview: Introduction
  • Merchendise Set-up: System Options, Course Management, Attributes, Item Management, Assigning Items - Course/Class, Assigning Items - Independent Sales, Assigning Items - Course Series or Certificate
  • Merchendise Buyer's Experience: Purchase Individual Item, Purchase Class with Merchandise
  • Merchendise Staff Mgmt and Maintenance: Purchase, Delivery Tracking, Transfers or Returns, Reports
Wrap Up (3/9/2023) - Questions and Next Steps
Click Here to Watch Now